Energy Healing - My Gift To You

In the Realm of Infinite Possibilities,
There are Unlimited Opportunities, and
You are the Source of Pure Potentiality. Something Wonderful is Unfolding for you. - Saquina Akanni

Sunday, September 19, 2010


"Meditation is quantum medicine and energy healing - the practice of using consciousness and pure potentiality to focus attention on the realization of our inner state of being to know self - "I am". - Saquina Akanni

Meditation is an Alternative medicine, energy healing medicine and mind-body intervention technique used in all of the natural and traditional medicines such as Ayurveda medicine, Chinese medicine and Native American medicine just to mention a few. There are hundreds of different meditation styles and techniques, most of which fall into one of five categories: concentration, mindfulness, transcendental meditation, Qi Gong meditation and Quantum meditation.

Meditation is one of the energy healing medicines that use pure potentiality, consciousness, thought, mind, awareness, attention, focus and intention to tap into the deeper realization of the multifaceted layers of ones being and ones life.

Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years by many different cultures and traditions and is one of the ultimate energy healing medicines. It is both an art and a skill. Meditations to those who have spent time doing it know the benefits it can bring about into our life affecting the quality of health, mind, body, spirit and soul. Benefits include more energy, positive state of mind and a sense of being centered. Studies have shown that meditation increases the level of melatonin - a hormone that supports your immune system. Therefore making your immune system stronger and making you healthier. This hormone also slows down the signs of aging, increases sleep patterns, increases energy levels and may even inhibit cancer cells from growing. One of the more well known forms of meditation that may come to mind is Chakra Meditation, which is a method used to aligns the energy centers called Chakras in Chakra Therapy. Meditation is also an effective means of treating stress and managing pain.

During concentration meditation, attention is focused on quieting the mind and uses methods of focusing on a single sound, an object or one's breath, to bring about a calm, tranquil mind.

During mindfulness meditation, the attention is concentrated and focused on disciplines where the mind becomes aware, but does not react to the variety of sensations, feelings, images and environment tied in with a current activity.

During transcendental meditation (TM) the focus is on stillness of the mind, where the mind is allowed to settle inward beyond thought to experience the source of thought or pure potential awareness to bring about a state of deep relaxation, in which the body is totally at rest, yet the mind is in a highly alert state. This is known as transcendental consciousness or experiencing the unified field.

During Qi Gong meditation many disciplines are available and all the previous methods and techniques mentioned can be used with the focus always on using Qi or energy to bring about the desired state of being: tranquil mind, calm emotion, relaxed body, highly alert and energy healing.

Quantum meditation uses the same approach as Qi Gong with various additional methods and techniques including bio electric devices such as; CDs, mp3 downloads, guided sessions, enlightenment sessions, success, and of course energy healing.

Meditation allows the body to switch to an alpha (resting) or theta (relaxing) brain-wave state, during which the brain's rhythm slows and endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, are released. Studies have shown that during meditation, metabolism is lowered, resulting in a slower heart rate, decreased blood pressure, and slower breathing. In the seventies, Dr. Herbert Benson, a cardiologist at the Harvard Medical School, formulated the theory of an inborn "relaxation response" that can be cultivated to counteract stress. Eliciting it, Benson wrote, "… can help counteract the effects of repeated insults of stress on the heart and other organs."

There are so many amazing websites, blogs and pictures depicting the many different type of meditations methods and techniques. There is one that will resonate with you and I recommend you do some research and start today.The education may cost you a few dollars, but meditation is FREE - you are the source of pure potentiality and can transform your life with a little practice!

Thank you for your websites, blogs, insight and contribution to Meditation.
I can only mention a few here and give credit for the wonderful pictures:

What is Meditation? Eckhart Tolle
How to Meditate:
Try a two minute Chakra Meditation

If you would like your meditation site or blog mentioned in my book, please contact me and I will include your link after evaluation.

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

"There can be no prosperity without health - "Health is a state of being. Wealth is a state of potential. Prosperity is a state of being, mind and emotions." - Saquina Akanni


Illusive Mind said...


You may be unaware that the meditation logo on the page listed below is copyrighted.
Direct link:

As the copyright holder I am happy to provide permission for use provided you credit 'Headpone Meditation by Illusive Mind' and link back to

Otherwise I kindly request that you remove it immediately.

Illusive Mind

Saquina Akanni said...

My apologies. I posted all of the links giving credit to sources at the end of the blog. I just discovered your comment today. Those blogs were done as an assignment in 2010 for a 90 Day Challenge in a book contest. I will add your link to the blog giving you the credit you deserve for that beautiful picture. FYI that link no longer works. Contact me at and provide me with your updated link or information. Thank you for your notification. I am always at your service. Saquina Akanni, The Prosperity Doctor