Energy Healing - My Gift To You

In the Realm of Infinite Possibilities,
There are Unlimited Opportunities, and
You are the Source of Pure Potentiality. Something Wonderful is Unfolding for you. - Saquina Akanni

Tuesday, August 31, 2010




Ho’oponopono is a form of energy healing and mirrors Quantum Medicine, because both are energy medicines of consciousness, thought, mind, awareness, attention, focus, intention and pure potentiality. It is pronounced Ho'-o-pono-pono and is an ancient Hawaiian forgiveness practice of reconciliation.

Ho’oponopono basically means to make right. It is a self care, self improvement technique to help one bring about positive changes in your life. It is a form of Quantum Medicine. I call it Quantum Meditation, because it is so simple, so easy and has to do with ones pure potentiality, consciousness, thought, mind, awareness, attention, focus and intention. One can say it in their mind in meditation or out loud in practice of self-development. I promise you, if you put this energy healing practice into daily life you will turn all negative aspects sabotaging you into positives energy affirming you.

Ho’oponopono basically means to make right and is about complete freedom from ones past. It allows one to step into a clearing and keep the clearing free of negative energy. The first time I heard of this energy healing technique called Ho'oponopono was in the book by Dr. Joe Vitale (featured in The Secret) and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, titled Zero Limits. This book is one of the most powerful books I have ever read.

Zero Limits explains the true story of the unusual therapist who helped heal an entire ward of mentally ill criminals without seeing any of them. Vitale tells an amazing story of how it was used to make this powerful transformation even though no one believed it was possible.

The Hawaiian therapist Dr. Len taught this new perspective of accepting total responsibility of everything in ones life; responsibility for ourselves and everything that comes into our awareness. He states that if we notice it, we created it and it is ours to claim whether we believe it or not. Within the pages Dr. Len's eveals the cause for everything that happens to you, and how to clean negative energy from within so you can re-connect and merge with the Divine.


Zero Limits by Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len

"Two years ago, I heard about a therapist in Hawaii who cured a complete ward of criminally insane patients--without ever seeing any of them. The psychologist would study an inmate's chart and then look within himself to see how he created that person's illness. As he improved himself, the patient improved."

By using this ancient practice you can literally transform your life in a very short space of time. You can put your focus, attention and intention on transforming any and all negative aspects in your life into positive manifestations. This method can be used by anyone, on anything or anyone. You simple put your focus and attention on the situation or circumstance you would like to transform in life and repeat the following with intention:

I Love You

I’m Sorry

Please Forgive Me

Thank You

That's It. Repeat in your mind or out loud. You will instantly feel empowered by the positive shift within you. Your energy will instantly change. I recommend reading Zero Limits by Joe Vitale. I started pracicing this technique right away and experienced the benefits immediately.

Thank you for your insight and contribution on Ho'oponopono:

Zero Limits, Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len

Special thanks to Greta Rubens for giving Zero Limits to my nephew,

which gave me the opportunity to read it.

Saquina Akanni

The Prosperity Doctor

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